Refund and Return Policy

If you want to place an exchange or return request, we suggest you record each delivery’s unboxing and share the same with us. Then, once you are ready to open the delivered package, please start recording the unboxing video. It will help us ensure that your order received proper care and Service following the delivery.

Please keep the following instructions in mind.

  • The package must be unboxed in the full view of the camera, ensuring that the content of the package is visible in the camera and focused throughout the video.
  • When your package is on the camera, ensure that you carefully examine and/or showcase its content.
  • Please share the unboxing video with us even if you do not notice any issues.
  • If you notice issues during its usage, please capture a video of the same and send it to us.
  • Please attach the video file to your email when making an exchange or return request.
  • You can also share the video through other sharing services such as Google Drive, Dropbox, and WeTransfer by sharing your video’s link in the email.
  • You can initiate a return, exchange, or refund request at Please make sure you do the same within 48 hours of the order delivery.

Before initiating a request, ensure to consider the following things:

  1. Certain products available in the store may be handmade by artisans using natural materials such as terracotta, jute, cotton, etc. Therefore, if the product contains minor imperfections, we consider it a product of art.
  2. The item placed for a request is ineligible for return or exchange if purchased on sale.
  3. While returning the order, it should be in the same condition and must bear the original packaging.
  4. If any items have been discontinued, they cannot be exchanged or returned for safety purposes.

Please include all the details mentioned below in your email when placing a return or exchange request.

  1. The email’s subject line must be composed of: “Return Request for Order <Order ID> <Your Full Name>.”
  2. In the body of the email, kindly mention the date of delivery and the reason for the return or exchange request.
  3. To support your reason, please attach the unboxing video in the mail.

Once we have received your request, we will assess it and inform you whether the request has been approved or not via email within 3 working days. If the request is approved, you will receive the instructions for returning the product.

Some conditions related to the return or exchange policies are listed below.

  1. The item cannot be returned or exchanged after 48 hours of delivery.
  2. You must send us the return shipping details within 3 working days after approval of the request.
  3. The products should bear the original tags.
  4. The item should not be used or returned in a damaged condition.
  5. The courier or receipt label of the package must be retained.
  6. Exchanges for a particular order will be approved only once and not more than that. 
  7. Upon failing to meet the conditions stated above, The Green Living store reserves all the rights to reject the exchange or return request.